
The Doctoral School depends from four University consortia :

We work with most laboratories in Paris or around with astronomy astrophysics research.

The Doctoral School is directed by a board which includes the director, the four representative from the Universities participating in the doctoral school and the person in charge of the doctoral courses (see "Contacts" on the right).

Its political choices are discussed and decided by its council. 5 representatives from the PhDs students are members of the council.

PhD students are registered in one of the following Universities.


  • L’ED et PhDTalent organise un bilan de compétences à destinations des doctorants et doctorantes le 5 décembre 2024. Rapprochez vous de l’ED si cette formation vous intéresse.
  • La rentrée de l’ED AAIF se déroulera le 9 octobre 2024 à l’Observatoire de Paris, Campus de Meudon.
