Training agreement

Doctoral training agreement

The new décret requires that a training agreement exist between the PhD student and his/her supervisor. This agreement must also be endorsed by the doctoral school and the University.

Each University is currently setting its own rules on how to set up this agreement. Here are the informations we have.

  • PSL : It is called "Convention Individuelle de Formation", and is described in the Guide Pratique. In the resulting document, parts in yellow are filled through ADUM and the comments are in red.
  • UPS : Everything goes through ADUM. A specific web page gives the details.
  • UPC : See the Notes (in french) and the convention to fiil in.
  • SU : The agreement is filled on line. This document shows the content.


  • L’ED et PhDTalent organise un bilan de compétences à destinations des doctorants et doctorantes le 5 décembre 2024. Rapprochez vous de l’ED si cette formation vous intéresse.
  • La rentrée de l’ED AAIF se déroulera le 9 octobre 2024 à l’Observatoire de Paris, Campus de Meudon.
