
Forthcoming (or past) defenses

You can find here all the dates and places of PhD defenses. The PhD defenses are important events because they sign the culmination of several years of research and are generally gratified by the title of doctor. These are talk of 45min followed by 15min of questions from the jury. You are strongly recommended to attend several PhD defenses to familiarize yourself with the process but also to discover and deepen your knowledge on current research topics. Feel free to come to support your colleagues in this great moment !

If your defense is not here, ask us to add it !


Date Nom Titre
Monday, 15th January Namneet KAUR Long range time transfer with optical fiber links and cross comparisons with satellite based methods


| Date | Nom | Titre |
| Wednesday, 20th December| El Houssain AIT MANSOUR | High speed digital synchronized system for antenna array such as Nançay Radioheliograph |
| Friday, 15th December| Meropi MORFOULI | From time precision to Newton’s law of universal gravitation. (1650-1750) |
| Thursday, 14th December| Maialen ARRIETA LOBO | High Energy Active Galactic Nuclei : Towards a Unified Model |
| Friday, 8th December | Sabrina Guilbon | Modeling Venus’clouds : development of a microphysical model for the IPSL Venus Global Climate Model |
| Friday, 1st December | Lucien GAUCHET | High contrast technique using pupil remapping for exoplanets detection |
| Wednesday, 29th November | Kassem SAAB | Adaptive optics for free space optical communication |
| Monday, 27th November | Tabatha SAUVAGET | Formation of Bulgeless galaxies via mergers |
| Friday, 10th November | Ming JIANG | Multichannel Compressed Sensing and its Application in Radioastronomy |
| Friday, 10th November | Vishnu VISWANATHAN | Improving the dynamical model of the Moon using lunar laser ranging (LLR) and spacecraft data |
| Thursday, 9th November | Lucie RIU | Study of Mars evolution and habitability conditions using hyperspectral imaging : from remote sensing to in situ observations |
| Friday, 27th October | Nathan HARA | Dynamics and detection of extrasolar planets |
| Thursday, 26th October | Paul SERRANO | Soft X-ray spectro-polarimeter for soft X-ray astrophysics |
| Monday, 23rd October | Guillaume VOISIN | Numerical simulation of pulsar magnetospheres |
| Friday, 20th October | Sébastien CARASSOU | Co-evolution of spectrophotometric and morphometric properties of galaxies from z 2 to z 0 |
| Thursday, 19th October | Paola DIMAURO | Investigating the link between bulge growth and quenching in massive galaxies through polychromatic bulge-disk decompositions in the CANDELS fields |
| Wednesday, 18th October | Bilal LADJELATE | First phases of star-formation observed in Ophiuchus |
| Tuesday, 17th October | Batiste ROUSSEAU | Study of the composition and physical properties of the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. VIRTIS/Rosetta data interpretation and reflectance measurement of cometary analogs |
| Friday, 6th October | Constance EMERIAU | Self-organization of heat and angular momentum transport in stellar plasmas and in tokamaks |
| Friday, 29th September | Federico MOGAVERO | Exoplanet detection through gravitational microlensing |
| Friday, 29th September | Apurva OZA | Detection and dynamics of satellite exospheres |
| Friday, 29th September | Fiorella POLLES | Properties of the interstellar medium of the star-forming galaxy, IC10, at various spatial scales |
| Thursday, 28th September | Loïc NICOLAS | Streaming instability in astrophysical plasmas |
| Thursday, 28th September | Charly PINCON | On the angular momentum transport by internal gravity waves at the time of asteroseismology |
| Wednesday, 27th September | Tanguy BERTRAND | Preparation and analysis of the NASA New Horizons spacecraft’s atmospheric and surface observations of Pluto using numerical climate models |
| Wednesday, 27th Septembre | Yueh-Ning LEE | Formation and fragmentation of stellar proto-clusters |
| Tuesday, 26th September | Benjamin KHIAR | Magnetized laboratory astrophysics study of accretion dynamics |
| Tuesday, 26th September | Myriam PAJUELO | Multitechnique Characterization of Binary Asteroids |
| Tuesday, 26th September | Eléonore SAQUET | Photometry and Astrometry of Jupiter Satellites : Application to the 2015 mutual events campaign |
| Tuesday, 26th September | Joel TEIXEIRA | Development of a new sensorless wavefront sensing approach for two photon microscopy |
| Monday, 25th September | Nicolas CORNUAULT | Star formation and gas accretion in galactic halos |
| Friday, 22nd September | Farida BAIDOLDA | Search for planetary influences on solar activity |
| Friday, 22nd September | Tilman HARTWIG | Massive black holes in high-redshift galaxies |
| Friday, 22nd September | Chentao YANG | Physical conditions of the interstellar medium in high-redshift submillimetre bright galaxies |
| Thursday, 21st September | Charles PHILIPPE | frequency-stabilized 1.5µm laser sources to molecular iodine |
| Monday, 18th September | Gaël NOIROT | Clusters and proto-clusters at redshift z=2 |
| Friday, 15th September | Diane BERARD | Study of transneptunian objects and centaurs by stellar occultation |
| Friday, 15th September | Auriane EGAL | About a reliable research of parent bodies of meteors showers - Exploitation of the CABERNET network’s data |
| Friday, 15th September | Lucas GROSSET | Extragalactic Observations with Adaptive Optics : Polarisation in Active Galactic Nuclei and study of Super Star Clusters |
| Friday, 15th September | Caterina UMILTA | Improving Planck cosmological results with component separation |
| Monday, 11th September 2017 | Carolina PARRONI | Cluster mass scaling relations through weak lensing measurements |


Defenses from previous years :


  • L’ED et PhDTalent organise un bilan de compétences à destinations des doctorants et doctorantes le 5 décembre 2024. Rapprochez vous de l’ED si cette formation vous intéresse.
  • La rentrée de l’ED AAIF se déroulera le 9 octobre 2024 à l’Observatoire de Paris, Campus de Meudon.
