Financial support
Finacial support request
You may ask a small financial support to the ED. A summer school is eligible providing it is not too close to your research subject. French courses for foreigners are also eligible, among other kinds of trainings.
A scientific meeting on your research field is "off limits" and you should ask your laboratory for support.
- Fill this form pdf word.
- Send it to the person in charge of your university at the ED with the program of the training.
- Once approved, send it to Jacqueline Plancy To get the administrative files to fill.
- Send also to Jacqueline Plancy : your bank informations (RIB), your personal and administrative addresses, your birthday date and social security number.
Account for 2 to 3 weeks of delays.
You must ask for an mission order to your laboratory (for insurrance) and inform it of the details of your trip.